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FLOWERS! – Live and In-Studio


Jordan Wolfson’s Studio
4919 North Broadway, Unit 16
Boulder, 80304 United States


Dates & Times

March 2 2022
9:00am - 12:00pm




An 8-week In-Studio Course.

How does one paint a bunch of flowers and make them ALIVE? Working in oils within the tradition of floral still life, we’ll learn, step-by-step, how to capture and depict a convincing rendition of fresh flowers.

We’ll start out with drawing, working with line, to become familiar with the complexity of the forms. Then we’ll move into an investigation of values, working with oils in black and white, learning how the mark can work to create the feel and structure of the form directly. Afterwards we’ll go into a full palette, working with tone and color mixing, beginning with a straightforward rendition.  As the course progresses we’ll explore more experimental and gestural marking.

The course will look at and examine the working methods of ManetVan GoghBonnard and Albert York.

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